White Papers

Getting to know your customers

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Insights into users of mobile banking apps

In a recent survey commissioned by Entersekt and conducted online by The Harris Poll, we polled over 1,900 US adults who own a mobile device, among whom over 1,300 use banking apps once a month or more often on their use of, and preferences for, mobile banking and payments apps. 

We not only learned a lot about what they want from these apps (you can download those findings here), we also gained invaluable insights into the regular users of mobile banking apps themselves.

We found that:

  • a higher percentage of male device owners report using banking apps than female device owners (80% vs. 72%)
  • a larger proportion of employed device owners (82%) use banking apps compared to those who are not currently employed (65%)
  • while 90% of device owners that are parents of children under 18 use banking apps at all, only 69% of those that are not parents of children under 18 do

For more insights like these, as well as our view on what these statistics really mean for banks, download our Getting to know your customers report.

2022-01-31 13:45